Moisan Porte de garage

Certified by the Quebec Association of Homebuilders, the Quebec Construction Association and the International Doors Association, MOISAN is a specialist  in the Quebec City and Lévis regions.


We meet the highest evaluation criteria:

  • Competencies (qualifications and years of experience)
  • Customer service (courtesy, eagerness, cleanliness, after-sales service)
  • Customer Satisfaction (99% of our customers recommend, according to a survey conducted in 2013)
  • Pricing policies
  • Warranty Policy
  • Liability insurance
  • Professional licenses and affiliations

High quality products, high quality services, management and qualified team … MOISAN Portes de garage is for you a real guarantee of confidence and competence. Enjoy it!

Portes de garage


350, avenue des Cordillères
Quebec (Quebec) G1C 4N3

Phone : 418 667-0284
Fax : 418 667-8246

Follow us:


70 Chemin des Îles
Levis (Quebec)  G6V 7M5

Phone : 418 614-9494


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